Dr. Mikyung Kim, ND.
PhD. Pharmacist (in Korea)
Before her career as an ND, Dr. Mikyung Kim was a pharmacist,
and operated her own pharmacy for over 22 years.
She always asked herself what the best way was to help her patients.
To get to the answer, she continuously educated herself and explored different fields of study.
She studied Asian Medicine, Medical Nutrition to better understand
and compensate for some of the limitations with chemical medications.
Since she was introduced to Iridology in 1999, She has studied and analyzed more than 1000 peoples' iris signs.
Studying Iridology brought her to a deeper understanding of the connection of mind and body, and that illnesses should be treated with regards to the whole person instead of a sum of symptoms.
The 6 principles of Naturopathic medicine is what she has pursued during the continuous self-education journey.
She believes the best treatment is prevention.
As such, She is eager to help patients become aware of the root causes of their condition so that the patients can live optimally.
She provides natural methods of treatment for patients, but her strong nutrition and pharmacology backgrounds also help patients with chronic diseases and those on long-term or multiple medications.

Education and Certifications
Doctor of Naturopathy Degree
Canadian College of Naturopathic medicine.
PhD, Medical Nutrition
Kyung Hee University, Korea
MSc, Naturopathic Rehabilitation, Korea
BA, Pharmacology, Korea
Pharmacist, 1990~ Korea
Korean Herbal Medicine Pharmacist.1999~ Korea
Certified Iridologist, 2015~ IIPA
Published Articles
"Long-term Vegetarians have low oxidative stress,
body fat, and cholesterol levels" (Nutr Res Pract) 2012;6(2): 155-161.2013.
"The effect of lifestyle and diet modification for
middle aged obesity patients" 2013.
Gyung gi pharmacist association

Why Healing Roots
The roots need to be nourished
to see abundant leaves and flowers.
Our bodies follow the Same Universal Law.
If we want prevent diseases,
We have to carefully listen to what our body tell us.
All cells, organs and systems in our body are connected to each other.
For instance, a skin issue may tell you
to drink more water, or sleep better,
or treat digestion, rather than to use a cream.
Naturopathic Medicine can help you
find the root cause and so you can start to heal.
The healing journey will bring you
to understand yourself better and finally,
it will remind you that you already have a vital force
to heal by yourself.
6 Principles
of Naturopathic Medicine
1. First, Do No Harm
​2. To co-operate with the healing power of nature
3. To address the fundamental causes of disease
4. To heal the whole person through individualized treatment
5. To teach the principles of healthy living
6. Focus on prevention